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Alternative treatments that help prevent and heal running injuries

When prepping for a running event, such as a marathon, there is no guaranteed way to prevent an injury from occurring. Muscles get tired; they pull on joints leading to sprains, strains, tendonitis and other kinds of injuries. Depending on one’s schedule, health insurance benefits and their financial situation, it is crucial to incorporate some […]

Does Massage Work – New Study Reveals How and Why?

According to a study by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, California which was published in the journal of Science Translational Medicine, massage has been shown to produce biochemical sensors that send inflammation-reducing signals to muscle cells. The study also noted that these signals increased […]

Can Head Posture Cause Pain?

The posture of your head can have a big effect on your overall health. You feel exhausted at the end of day, your neck always hurts and you have frequent headaches. If you suffer from forward head posture, also known as “anterior head carriage”, you may suffer from these conditions and others as a result. […]

Alternative treatments that help prevent and heal running injuries

When prepping for a running event, such as a marathon, there is no guaranteed way to prevent an injury from occurring. Muscles get tired; they pull on joints leading to sprains, strains, tendonitis and other kinds of injuries. Depending on one’s schedule, health insurance benefits and their financial situation, it is crucial to incorporate some […]

Physiotherapy Benefits

There is more than meets the eye in the benefits of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy not only restores the physical condition of an individual, it also improves the quality of life by making a patient more emotionally stable and strong. Physiotherapy benefits include increasing your ability to function and move freely.  Infants, children, adults, and the elderly […]

Do I use Heat or Ice After an Injury?

This is a common question, and a very important one. After an injury like a twisted ankle, pulled hamstring or lower back sprain, the inflammatory stage begins and lasts for 24-72 hours.  During this time ice is preferred. Typically  ice is applied for 10-20 minutes, and then taken off for about 10-20 minutes. This cycle […]

A Walk in the Park

Click on the video below to see how your skeletal system interacts with your feet Did you know that the average person takes approximately 10,000 steps a day? Whether you realize it or not, your feet do a lot of walking! Your feet are your body’s foundation, balancing your weight with every step. When we […]

Knee Injuries and Bracing

Types of Knee Injuries Knee injuries are very common and anyone can be affected. Overuse from repetitive motions, sudden twists and stops and direct blows to the knee joint can easily lead to injury. Ligament sprains and strains to tendons which are as a result of being overstretched can cause pain, swelling, bleeding, and a […]

Choosing Proper Backpacks That Won’t Cause Back Pain

Choosing Proper Backpacks by Alevia Health & Wellness   Choosing the wrong backpack or wearing it incorrectly can result in sore and stiff neck, back and feet which can ultimately lead to injury. Studies have shown that the average child carries a backpack that would be the equivalent of a 39-pound load for a 176-pound […]

Replacing Hip Replacement?

Author: Tom Gilbert – As much as hip replacement surgery has improved over the years, for many people it still means early retirement from sports and intense exercise. Now there is a new option for those with hip pain who do not want to give up an active lifestyle — hip resurfacing. Known as the […]