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Watch Your Step

Watch Your Step

There are many choices you can make that will reduce your risk of falling  and protect your independence. Check-out these tips for simple things you can do to stay safely on your feet.

– Remove your reading glasses when you are walking. Always slip them off before you take a step.

– Never climb on a chair or stool to reach something. Always ask for assistance.

– If you have a pet such as a cat or dog, consider putting a bell or reflector on its collar. It’s easy to stumble across an affectionate or sleeping pet that’s in your path./

– Take your time. If you frequently find yourself rushing to pick-up the phone, consider investing in a cordless phone that you can keep near you. Don’t rush to answer the door.

– Always sit down to put on or take off shoes and clothing. Place a chair or bench near the entranceway.

– Keep hallways and stairs free of grandchildren’s toys.

– Wear shoes or slippers with non-slip soles indoors. That means you might have to give up that pair of loose, comfy slippers with the worn soles.

– Ask for help if you need it. Most people like to lend a hand.

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