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Lecture Recap: Spinal Decompression Therapy

Lecture Recap: Spinal Decompression Therapy

Thank you to all who joined us at the Beacock Branch Library last week for our presentation on spinal decompression. We shared a lot of great clinical information and answered many of the common questions regarding spinal decompression services.

There is a lot of information on our website but a quick re-cap of our presentation is listed below. For information, feel free to contact the clinic, arrange a complimentary consultation, or review our website:

Spinal Decompression Therapy

  • May help with pain relief related to

–      Protruding and herniating discs

–      Degenerative disc disease (DDD)

–      Facet joint disorders

–      Spinal root impingement

–      Degenerative joint disease (DJD)

–      Hypomobility

–      Compression fractures

  • Back and neck pain is related to different causes

–      Active support system failure (muscle strain/injury)

–      Structural support system failure (ligament, disc injury)

–      Chronic conditions usually have failure of both systems: structural damage and muscle imbalance

  • Mechanical effects

–      Stretch ligaments, muscles

–      Relax musculature

–      Decrease intradiscal pressure

–      Widen intervertebral foramen

  • Physiological effects

–      Relieve nerve root compression

–      Possible disc retraction

–      Mobilize joint and muscle

–      Improve blood flow

–      Decrease pain

  • Radiating pain in dermatomal distribution

–      With or without sensory loss

–      With or without decreased strength in key muscles

  • Decreased ROM in capsular pattern of restrictions

–      With or without radiculopathy

–      No exacerbation of pain after “trial” of manual traction

–      With or without degenerative spondylotic changes

Centralization of the pain after “trial” of manual traction is possible indicator of favorable outcomes of mechanical traction

  • Symptomatic relief

–      Decreased back pain

–      Increased ROM

–      Decreased muscle tone

  • Functional improvement

–      Increased participation in exercise

–      Increased work tolerance

Increased participation in ADLs


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