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Make Pilates Fun

Make Pilates Fun

The time of year has come again when resolutions are made, goals are set, motivation is renewed and expectations for success are high. Perhaps you have made resolutions in the past that were unsuccessful or did not last as long as you wished.

Solution – Try something new this year like Pilates

Make a group fitness class “something new” and fun all at the same time. Exercising in a group environment with a motivational instructor will help you achieve your own personal fitness goals, such as gaining muscle tone, increasing core strength and just being more active. Plus, the instructor will ensure your success through their guidance and support.

Group fitness classes are planned ahead of time and can easily fit one’s hectic schedule.

1 hour, 2 to 3 times a week will do your body good and help keep your resolution.

Call us to book your classes In Burlington or Mississauga and find out how these classes are paid by most extended health insurance plans!

Burlington Office: 905-315-9955

Mississauga Office: 905-785-9952

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