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Are you Man Enough?

Are you Man Enough?

Alevia Health and Wellness Centre is challenging other Wellness Clinics in London and surrounding area!

When: September 16 & 17

What: Men in the clinic wear RED HIGH HEELS while working.walka-mile

Why: To raise money for the London Women’s Community house and to raise awareness to help STOP Rape, Sexual Assault and Gender Violence in our community.

How to get involved:

  1. Contact Pamela at to get a pair of red high heels.
  2. Raise money within your clinic to donate towards the women’s community house (staff, patients, family, friends and area businesses)
  3. Wear your red high heels on September 16 & 17 while in clinic.
  4. Lets Make a Movement and Stop the Violence!

For more information about Walk A Mile in Her Shoes please visit

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